Monday, July 11, 2011

A Spilled Insight of a Pro-RH Bill

Population had been a problem in our country, population leads to poverty that Filipinos are really suffering now. We need to exercise something that can prevent the increase in our population, we need RH Bill.

Why am I a Pro-RH Bill? It is because of my eyes are widely opened with these circumstances.

My sister is one of the youth having an early pregnancy. In her 22 years of age, she already has a daughter and a son. What made this whole thing worst? Is the fact that she hadn’t finished her studies and had an irresponsible partner. They are engaging in pre-marital sex even though they know that they don’t have the capacity to support their children. My sister’s children are unwanted and not planned; they will suffer the consequences of their carelessness; they will have a dark future ahead of them.

Why I am saying that they would have a dark future ahead of them? It is because my sister is still dependent with my parents. Yes, she’s out of the four corners of our home and she’s living with her partner but my parents are the one who’s bringing their life. My parents are the one who provide their food, their other necessities and the vitamins and other medical needs of her children. In addition, my parents pay the hospital bills during the delivery of my sister; they are also the one who pay the expenses when my niece was admitted. My father was the one who provide the job yet his partner neglected the job.

The bottom line is we need RH Bill to help us prevent these happenings. We don’t want to see children that are malnourished, children who won’t have education, and children who are living in the streets. We want to lessen the number of teenagers that is facing an early pregnancy, we want to lessen the numbers of people who have HIV/AIDS, and we want to lessen the number of abortion.

We need RH bill not because we want to lessen the number of lives here on earth. We need RH bill because we want to have a better life for everyone. This is my choice, I am a Pro- RH Bill.

1 comment:


    Your ideas are nice. You have also a good story here.

    Thanks for submitting before the deadline. Keep it up!:D


