Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Wake up! We are also the reason of our own suffering.

Almost of the Filipinos ask the question " Kamusta na ang buhay ngayon?" and answered it "Naghihirap pa rin, walang asenso." We never asked ourselves why?, why are we still suffering from poverty?, what are the reason behind poverty?.  We always blame our government, we never think that the government is not just the reason but also, WE are the reason of our suffering.

We had some habits that can cause poverty. First, our manana habit or procrastination. Honestly, I have these habit. I usually do my stuffs later even i had a free time. I usually spend my free time with Facebook and other useless stuffs. We neglect the important things, what we should do is to put priorities first . "Mamaya na" should be removed in our minds. If we can removed these bad habit, little by little our lives will be develop. The bottom line is Why do things later, if you can do it now. Second, our crab mentality. Mostly Filipinos are like this. We usually do not see that we have this kind of attitude but even in simple conversations this attitude occurs. For example, in class we see one of our classmates excel and because we are envy of that, we talk behind her back, as a result of that, we had destroyed her image. Instead of minding our own selves, we are pulling down people that already at the top. If one people succeed we should be happy and supportive for them and had a mind set that " I can succeed too". Those people who succeed should serve as inspirations not enemies. We should be busy in helping ourselves to be on top, we should not be busy pulling people in the mud. Lastly, our trait of being fatalistic: "bahala na". If we encounter situations or problems that are hard we usually say "bahala na". We do not push further. We just stop and do not try harder and depend it to God. We always forget the saying " Do your best and God will do the rest". Having this trait can't lead us to success but can further pull us down. If we just put our lives in fate we ca't get anything. Fate can't give us salaries, clothes, food and our other necessities. We can only get that by working hard. We should be on action always, we should not just be sitting in our couches and waiting for a blessing to drop in our hands.

We need to help ourselves, we should work harder, value or education and be practical. We should practice to remove those traits listed above. We should be united, we should not be envy. If each Filipino will help their selves to improve; if each Filipino will change their mind sets; if each Filipino would not depend in fate. Slowly, Philippines would develop. Together we will rise and see the betterment of our country.

1 comment:

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